Friday, June 20, 2008

He's Powerful!

God saw all that He had made,

and it was very good. Gen 1:31

I have been negligent in doing devotions with the girls lately. Shame on me. It's always an eye opener when your 6 year old asks, "Mom, when are we gonna do demotions again?" For Marley & Ella it isn't enough to just read them a "demotion", a while back I stepped it up a notch with adding an activity or a simple color page that goes along with the theme and now they have come to expect no less. The picture below is of them coloring their picture of things that God has created. I like to use the time while they are coloring to ask questions pertaining to the lesson. It's fun to see how much they actually learned. Ella asked how God created trees and Marley piped in, "Ella, He's powerful!"

Praise the Lord that she does know He is powerful. And praise the Lord that He can use a 6 year old to motivate Mama.

1 comment:

Williams' bunch said...

Isn't that the sure can get under conviction from things the kids say! :-)