Friday, July 8, 2011

"I'm going to be a vegetarian that eats meatballs."

Marley loves animals.

She's been trying desperately to not eat meat in her attempt to not feel badly about eating them.

I made her spaghetti w/ plain spaghetti sauce to accommodate.

She ate a few bites and then announced she would be a "vegetarian that eats meatballs."

Baby steps.


Traci said...

I've been a vegetarian since I was in 5th grade, and I ate a meatball last night. Yes. It was a moment for the history books. It sounded good. It was good.

Mike calls me a "weird vegetarian." Perhaps Marley can be a weird vegetarian too.

Wendi said...

I can totally picture this whole scenario, down to her expression when she said it...and it makes me laugh.